Apartments easily reservable as your home in Japan

日本FP協会『FPジャーナル』 2019年12月号に掲載されました。
Introduced in the Dec. 2019 issue of the “FP Journal”, by Japan Association for Financial Planners.


2019年 12月1日(日)日本FP協会 発行 

米国・FPA提携誌/日本版FPジャーナル Journal of Financial Planning



弊社DID-GLOBAL株式会社とApartment Japanが紹介されました。

“DID-GLOBAL” and “Apartment-Japan” has been introduced in a featured article on the issue of vacant houses in the December 2019 issue of the ”FP Journal” (the Journal of Financial Planning) published by the Japan FP Association.
“FP Journal” is a Partner magazine of FPA in the United States, and the official Publication of the Japan Association for Financial Planners.
The title of the featured article is mean “Points for Solving Vacant House Problems to think about with FP(Financial Planner)”,
and the titles of regarding to us are “Report of various efforts to Prevent, reduce, and utilize vacant houses” and “Introducing vacant housing and supporting, to the foreigners before visiting Japan”.

FPジャーナル 2019年12月号 P.12

『リポート:空き家を防ぐ・減らす・活かす 様々な取り組みを追う』

FPジャーナル2019年12月号表紙 .. FPジャーナル2019年12月号掲載記事


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