– Website for apartment Search & Online Reservation –

全国中小企業団体中央会・経済産業省・(独)中小企業基盤整備機構等により開催されている「中小企業 新ものづくり・新サービス展」において、『注目の出展者』として取り上げていただきました。
取材により、Apartment Japanシステムの特徴を解りやすくまとめていただいています。
With the ‘Apartment Japan’, the entire rental processes, from search – quotation – application – guarantee screening – contract with e-signature – settlement, can be completed in one step online on the website. And it provides some support options to support communication with the landlord and the foreign tenants such as three parties interlaption service, translating service, emergency contact service etc. provided by English or sevral languages.
The ‘Apartment Japan’ service makes owners and management companies who have been hesitant to rent to foreigners allow to prvide their residences easier foreign tenants, this will also enable them to offer more property options to foreign residents in Japan and enable to provide them more comfortable easier life in Japan.
Website URL ; https://apartment-japan.com
Properties are posted directly by the landlords and realtors. The list will be expanded throughout Japan soon!

※Click the image to see a brief video explaining “Apartment Japan®” for international students.
左の画像をクリックすると、『Apartment Japan®』の外国人留学生向けの簡単な説明動画がご覧いただけます。
News of APJ Apartment Japan Apartmen Japan に関するお知らせ
Apartment Japan has been certified as a tool eligible for IT introduction subsidies supervised by the Japanese Government Small and Medium Enterprise Agency.
Apartment Japan®は、IT導入補助金の対象ツール(デジタル化基盤導入枠)に認定されました。
Apartment Japan has been improved and launched as a one-stop search and contracting service system, with guarantee companies for foreigners and e-signature contracts!
Apartment Japan®は、賃貸保証会社と電子契約とを伴ったワンストップ検索&契約サービスシステムに生まれ変わりました。
『Apartment-Japan.com』 – Search & Online Reservation System – We developed and start the operation.
賃貸検索&オンライン申込システム「Apartment Japan®」の運用を開始しました!
※ Apartment Japan is a registered trademark of DID-GLOBAL. 『Apartment Japan®』はDID-GLOBAL㈱の登録商標です。
Press Coverage メディア掲載
Apartment Japan has been published on NIKKEI Newspaper, morning edition.
Apartment Japanが日経新聞朝刊に掲載されました。
Apartment Japan has been published on “Zenkoku Chintai Jutaku Shinbun”.
Apartment Japanが全国賃貸住宅新聞に掲載されました。
Introduced in the Dec. 2019 issue of the “FP Journal”, by Japan Association for Financial Planners.
日本FP協会『FPジャーナル』 2019年12月号に掲載されました。
Our business has been introduced on “Zenkoku Chintai Jutaku Shinbun”.
Search & Reserve DID-GLOBAL’s Apartment
We, DID-GLOBAL has inherited our rental apartment service division to Uni-Lease Co.,LTD. as of August 1, 2024.
However they are our group company so that we will support their rental service for foreigners as like to ever.
If you are looking for an apartment in Japan, please check their website and ask to them directly.
We are keeping to wish your experiences in Japan would be your treasure for your life!
DID-GLOBAL is a company renting furnished apartments for foreigners in Osaka.
We provide supports in English so that our residents can live in peace and comfort at your unfamiliar places. Multilingual support is also available during the period of residence. Search by setting your move-in date and lease period!! You can get a cost quotation, reserve and sign on the contract instantly on this website.
The lease condition depends on the length of your lease period.
◆ Various Terms of lease (1 month ~ Several years),
◆ Various types of rooms, buildings and equipment,
◆ fully-Furnished / semi-Furnished / non-Furnished,
◆ Simple procedures to search, reserve, contract and move-in,
◆ No Guarantor required etc.
You can narrow by your special requirements using filters on the search results.
We wish you a comfortable life in Osaka!!
⇒ Instruction of How to search
Ancillary Services

ご家庭にインターネットを導入したい! でも、契約期間の縛りが面倒…。
★ 1ヶ月以降、いつでも解約可能!
★ 契約期間のしばりなし!
★ いつでも解約違約金0円!
Get a Japanese Mobile-phone Number Easily!! – No minimum contract term –
We provide to expatriates “APJ SMART SIM” to get a Japanese mobile phone number – access to voice communication and internet – immediately once you arrive in Japan. All you need is a smartphone device (WCDMA compatible device or SIM free device) and a “APJ Smart SIM card”.
APJ Smart SIM card is;
◆ Multilingual support is available
◆ Application registration is quick and simple without any complicated procedure.
◆ No bounded term of contract・No contract cancellation fee
◆ Pay at convenience store, by credit card or pay cards acceptable
◆ SIM card will be delivered to your apartment in Japan, on the day if the earliest.
Basic fee 1,980yen/month ~ For more details and to apply the service,
click above image of smartphone.
Rental Bedding Service
Only for the tenants of DID-GLOBAL’s apartment, we are providing an optional rental bedding service. High quality, super clean, affordable price, and easiest way to get the confortable sleep. If check on the application form, the bedding set will be provided in your apartment when you moved in!
Beddings for Sale
-Deliver directly to your room-
We DID-GLOBAL, now is in special partnership with a group company of one of the most famous and well-established bedding manufacture company. We provide 3 types of Bedding and Japanese Futon set. Deliver directly to Your Room! 7,800yen ~ 24,800yen
The quality and thickness of duvet is enough for all of users, this fluffy down filled comforter is light and breathable. It prevents overheating and is an excellent choice for warmer climates and those who prefer to sleep cool.
Links to our Partners & informative external sites