DID-GLOBAL provide the most advanced nation wide rental housing search & online signing website "Apartment Japan"®.
★Applicant's Information Full Name Alphabet Family Name* Last Name* Japanese Katakana カタカナ (if possible) Family Name Last Name Email * 1. 2. Phone Number* 1. 2. Skype ID LINE ID Nationality Language of your speak EnglishJapaneseOther language Occupation Age *The subscriber shall be elder than 20 years old.
★Property Information The exact address of the property which you wish to install the cable internet. Address* Buiding Name* Room Number* Buiding type* Condo(own)Apartment(rental)House (own)House (rental)Other
★Wishing Date for installation work for internet starting * What date do you prefer to install the internet into your home? The wishing date should be the date of after two weeks or later.
1st choice :
( yyyy-mm-dd )
2nd choice :
3rd choice :
Intend length of use the internet about years
★Option 1) Rental Wi-fi router YesNo
Please submit one or more ID. PassportResidential Card (在留カード)Japanese Driver LisenceJapanese Health Insurance card
I have an intend to continue the contract for more than one year. I understand the cancellation policy and I agree that I may have to pay additional cancellation penalty when I cancel the contract in most case.