Thank you for your application
to DID-GLOBAL apartment!!
We will contact you within a couple of our business days to report you the availability and acceptability result for the apartment,
and would like to make an appointment for signing day of the contract.
Please come to DID-GLOBAL office before your contract start date with your passport and the balance of the contract payment.
All our staff look forward to seeing you soon!
※ By any chance of we cannot accept your application by our reason, we will refund all the deposit to your PayPal account.
Please refer these links below for your enjoyable and comfortable life in Osaka!
-1. Anyone can get a Japanese mobile phone number! ”APJ mobile”
* No minimum contract period
* No need a Japanese bank account
* Monthly fee : 1,980yen/ month ?
-2. Websites operated by local government of Osaka prefecture, with useful information to life in Osaka!
* Tourist information;
* Information on life in Osaka;
Please prepare enough before coming and have a great precious experience and success in Osaka!!